Creative director / Writer / Director
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ABC/Pride Month "Pronouns"


abc / pride month "pronouns”

creative director

In honor of Pride month, we explored ‘pronouns.’ At first glance we thought this would be a simple, easy to understand way to explore connecting with our viewers but, as we learned, and as the creative reflects, the concept turned out to be more complicated than originally thought. What better campaign concept than one that educates both viewers and the very people executing on it?! The concept focuses on the importance of using the correct pronouns for all people and supporting our LGBTQ+ friends and colleagues. Featuring ABC talent of all gender identities, identifying themselves with their own pronouns, the spot and campaign addressed the importance of using proper pronouns, normalizing the asking of other peoples’ pronouns and the idea that gender diversity is the future, not a fad.

I worked with multiple producers, designers and ABC partners to organize this Zoom-style shoot and bring it all together. We consulted with GLADD and Disney’s own internal Diversity group to make sure everything expressed in this campaign was just as accurate as it was heartfelt.